Something to Keep Baby From Standing Up in Tub

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continuing up in bathtub

All my xiii month wants to do in the bath is stand up up for some reason. She used to love just sitting and playing with her toys. And she doesn't sympathise "no" or that she needs to stay sitting down. And then every bath is a fight to go her back down so that I can launder her (and so that she doesn't fall and crack her head open). And equally soon as I get her sitting, she's standing dorsum up again. She has toys in the water, and I take no idea what the entreatment is to stand. What tin I do?

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My DD went through this at about the aforementioned age. She had out grown the babe tub in length and so I started putting her in the regular tub. She wanted to run all around it which of course scared the heck out of me. Then I concluded upwards getting 2 of the shower mats and putting them in the tub. I had to cut i and so information technology would fit around the drain and the left over parts I cut into strips to add to the sides. My DD is now 20 months and I don't think she will ever sit again! She is a shower kid all the way and with the mats she has never slipped at all. I also got a kids shower caput from Lowes that sits at her level to help continue the rest of the bath dry since plain I tin't close the curtain and leave her alone. I also got a embrace for the faucet so if by chance she were to fall she wouldn't hit her head on it. She admittedly loves taking showers and then I just had to make it as safe as I could. Hope this helps.


Haha I didn't even think about seeing if she would like a shower. I will definitely give that a effort! Thank you then much!


When my LO started doing that I bought 1 of those inflatable bath tubs yhat you place inside the big one. You lot save a lot of water and fourth dimension considering you don't accept to fill up up the whole thing and if he gets upwardly and falls he won't injure himself. He absolutely loved it. He loves it then much that he barely stands up anymore and if he does it's not a big deal. I simply continue bathing him without worring nigh a autumn


Thank you! Bully idea


You are welcome :)


My LO does the aforementioned thing. I got a bathroom mat to forbid slipping now she doesn't want to take anything to do with sitting

Then plainly I can't put a non-slip bath mat in there because the tub is textured. Which is ridiculous because the texturing does nothing to foreclose slipping! So the shower idea may not work hither. I can endeavour the inflatable tub though.


I got it from amazon. They make actually beautiful ones. We got one with Winnie Pooh and he loved it. This is our second one, the cats broke the first one :p


My ds almost has ever stood In the tub. Occasionally he will sit down. We don't have a sideslip mat although I guess I should go i only he's learned how to walk effectually in at that place and has never hit his head. I am always close past and accept caught him a few times. I would rather him walk around and so fight with him! Only if I could get him to stop adjusting the h2o! Hang in there!

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